Op smart milk ATM 04

You can buy milk as per your requirement from Smart Milk ATM through QR code, debit or credit card or coin and currency. It also has a self-monitoring system so that there is no problem while buying milk in real time. Real time customer care assistant system solves the problem in real time so anyone can use the OP Smart Milk ATM without anyone's help OP Smart Milk ATM can maintain the quality of milk by having a milk cooling system as well as a self cleaning system at regular intervals. It also comes with back-end software to remotely manage Smart Milk ATMs at each location, check stock and generate sales reports.

    Op smart milk ATM 04 Features

  • 300 litter Storage
  • Debit and Credit Card
  • QR Code payment
  • Live customer care
  • Self monitoring system
  • Easy to use
  • E.C sensors
  • Coin and Currency support
  • No need mobile app
  • No need mobile app
  • Remotely controlled ATM

      Data and control

    • Real time Multiple location Inventory check
    • Each location Sales report
    • Real time stock check by mobile app
    • Customer data
    • Customer invoice